Test Equipment USA; Your Local Gas Monitor Supplier in Houston

Test Equipment USA; Your Local Gas Monitor Supplier in Houston

Posted by ,Aug 3rd 2016

Do you need a personal gas monitor? Here in Houston, most plants are petrochemical, so the answer is YES! rki-gx-2009.jpgIf you work in dangerous gas environments, then there are legal requirements that say you MUST have a gas monitor to enter the plant. A new law says that home inspectors that enter attics or any confined space must now carry a gas monitor. These are readily available in single gas units for O2, CO, CO2, hydrocarbon gasses and many other gases. Multi-gas units are also available.

We are TestEquipmentUSA, we are a gas detector supplier and provide gas monitor calibration services to ensure that your devices are reliable and precise.

The Purpose of Gas Monitors

Typically, a 4-gas unit measures:

  • O2 (Oxygen) - To make sure that the levels are high enough to keep you alive.
  • CO (Carbon Monoxide - To make sure the level is very low, or you die.
  • H2S (Hydrogen Sulfide) - So you know it is low enough to prevent suffocation.
  • Methane – So you know you are not in an explosive atmosphere.

To measure these four gases, we offer the RKI line of monitors. These units are smaller than most of the competition.

Important Features

A lighter unit is a very nice feature, as these monitors must be clipped on to your clothing within 9” of your nose so it can detect the same atmosphere as you detect. The competition’s units are often heavier and less comfortable. Uncomfortable safety equipment makes safety procedure more difficult to enforce with your crew, as they won’t be as inclined to wear them. The prices are competitive, too.

Order With TestEquipmentUSA

Make us your gas detector supplier and source for gas monitor calibration. Give these units a try and your crews will love you for buying these lighter monitors that are more comfortable to wear. Contact our professional team for help in selecting the right units for the job you need.